
  • When Fashion Meets Work. The Stylish Trend of BAD's Revolutionary 'Work' Clothes

    Dressing for work is not something that excites most people, especially for blue-collar workers. Blue-collar workers aren't expected to wear suits and ties to their work to look fashionable. They either have uniforms, or they have to wear a specific type of workwear that meets the standards to keep them safe from workplace hazards. View Post
  • Choosing the Right Safety Gear to Avoid Workplace Hazards

    Workplaces are made as safe as possible for workers, but even with all the precautions, some risks can still remain. Risks like head injuries from falling objects, skin contact with harmful chemicals, eyes at risk from dust or liquid splashes, hand burns, and many more.

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  • A Brief History Of Workwear – From Function To Fashion

    Workwear has come a long way since the days of the industrial revolution, and even before. From basic metal and leather protection for specialist trades like blacksmithing and stone masonry, through to today’s functional and fashionable workwear. And through that journey, workwear has even influe... View Post
